:Base simplezip.hlp 1 Using SimpleZIP 2 The Main Screen=MAINFORM>MainScr 2 Shortcuts=SHORTCUTS>Options 2 The Download Helper=DOWNLOADHLPER 2 Advanced Features 3 About the Shell Integration features=SHELLINTEGRATION>MainMenu 3 About Drag and Drop=DRAGANDDROP>MainMenu 1 Questions and Answers 2 What exactly is a ZIP file?=QAaboutzip>Ques 2 Is SimpleZIP compatable with other ZIP Programs?=QAcompatable>Ques 2 Why do you need to insert the last disk of a Multi-Disk ZIP file first?=QAmultidisk>Ques 2 How do I contact AsRux Software for more information?=QAcontact>Ques 2 Can a give a copy of SimpleZIP to my friends?=QAcopying>Ques 1 The Main Menu 2 File 3 New ZIP=MNUnewzip>MainMenu 3 Open ZIP=MNUfileopen>MainMenu 3 Browse Downloaded Files=MNUbrowse>MainMenu 3 Close ZIP=MNUclose>MainMenu 3 File History=MNUhistory>MainMenu 3 Exit=MNUexit>MainMenu 2 Operations 3 Add Files=MNUadd>MainMenu 3 Update Files=MNUupdate>MainMenu 3 Add Whole Folder=MNUaddfolder>MainMenu 3 Extract Files=MNUextract>MainMenu 3 Install the Program=MNUinstall>MainMenu 3 Delete file(s) from ZIP=MNUzipdeletefiles>MainMenu 3 Update ZIP Date=MNUupdatezipdate>MainMenu 3 Select All=MNUselectall>MainMenu 3 View/Edit ZIP file comment=MNUcomment>MainMenu 2 Options 3 Set Options=MNUoptions>Options 3 Regitster SimpleZIP=MNUregister>MainMenu 3 Setup SimpleZIP=MNUsetupsimplezip>MainMenu 3 Multi-Disk mode=MNUmultidisk>MainMenu 3 Always on Top=MNUontop>MainMenu 2 Utilities 3 Test a ZIP File=MNUtest>MainMenu 3 Fix a ZIP File=MNUfix>MainMenu 3 Delete files=MNUdelete>MainMenu